Thursday 14 August 2008

Legislation Would Protect Physicians Who Volunteer To Treat Low-Income, Uninsured Patients From Liability Claims

Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee ranking member Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.) recently introduced a bill (S 3354) that would encourage physicians and other medical professionals to volunteer their services to patients who cannot afford or access care, CQ HealthBeat reports. The Volunteer Health Care Program Act would provide grants that states would use in part to wear medical liability risk for physicians and ensure patients can recover damages from medical malpractice.

According to Enzi, the bill would encourage physicians and early medical professionals to volunteer their services at clinics and community health centers, with a focus on recently retired physicians wHO no thirster have medical liability insurance that allows them to offer such care. He said, "There is an overwhelming pauperization for volunteer medical care among the poor in the United States, but medical liability concerns monish doctors from providing voluntary services" (Parnass, CQ HealthBeat, 8/5).

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